Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chris--Not Your "Go-To" Man For Religious Information

A little background to start: We live in Baltimore (home of the Ravens). Chris is an AVID sports fan. We're Catholic and try to attend church regularly with our children.
At Easter, our church, to represent the rising of Christ from the dead, changes the crucifix on the alter so that Jesus is not nailed to the cross but instead his arms are outstretched and elevated toward the heavens. The crucifix is also draped in deep purple (the color of Lent).

Our daughter Liz, who was about 4 at the time, notices the change and leans over to ask her father about it. This is her first mistake. She will learn as she gets older that her father is not the person to go to if you have questions about religion. This is a man who truly believes that Christians abstain from eating meat during lent because the Pope at the time was in cohorts with the fisherman of Italy and had made some sort of secret "Survivor"-like alliance with them to increase their profits from fish sales. Need I say more?

So Liz wants to know why Jesus looks different and what does Chris say?? He says, "It's because Jesus is a Ravens fan and he's signalling 'Touchdown!'".
