Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Final Count

18 eggs. 8 double yolks. I'm not a math person, but that's like almost 50% I think! Weird-- at least I thought so. I was prepared to start playing the lottery, right??!! But then I started doing some research and it turns out that they aren't quite as uncommon as I thought. (There is even a store in Baltimore that sells entire dozens of double yolk eggs.) Apparently, all the hormones that farmers are using in the chickens are causing some strange things to happen with eggs. Including yolk"less" eggs, shell"less" eggs, and the weirder, double shell eggs. When I find one of those--I'll get excited. So all of my excitement over my recent freaky egg discovery has been totally crushed by this new-fangled thing called the internet.
The only good thing that came of it was that I began to notice that the double yolkers were longer and thinner than a "normal" egg so I was able to predict accurately if an egg would have one yolk or two, which finally did impress Sam.

1 comment:

Filly said...

I'm still wondering which chicken eggs are being shipped where - I eat a lot of "breakfast for dinner," and I haven't seen ANY double yolks here in roughly two years. Of course, our Mississippi chickens could just be underachievers...