It was icy in the morning I was supposed to drop him off and the kids were on 2 hour delay for school so they had to go with me. This place also offers doggy day care so there were lots of dogs there. The dogs are grouped by size and are in "playrooms" where they can frolic freely with other dogs their size as well as play with toys or rest on beds, etc. It's a very nice set up. (All except for Sherman--who was in the "time-out" room for failing to share toys nicely. Bad, Sherman!)
I'm standing at the counter filling out the paperwork for Mo when I hear Liz say, "Oh no! The puppies!" I turn around in time to see 2 dashunds, 1 beagle, 1 pekinese, 2 poodles, 1 maltese, and 2 little mutts scampering madly around the lobby of the place; one of the employees frantically trying to gather them up; and my daughters running around giggling hysterically. And standing next to the (now open) gate guiltily shoving his hands into his pants pockets and trying in vain to look really casual is my son Sam. If he knew how, he would have been whistling.
In an ironic twist (although not so ironic if you've spent any time at all with Sam), this was the shirt he was wearing.
Wow. Sam is trying really hard to win over my "favorite Wagner child" spot.
I *heart* Sam.
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