Chris has lost the family jewels.
Been neutered.
Had the slice 'n dice.
Been castrated (no, wait-- that's different)
Has been snipped and clipped.

That's right, the Husband finally caved and went for the vasectomy.
WHOOPPEEE!! Now we can have all the sex we want and we don't have to worry about another little Wagner keeping us up all night crying.
Of course, we are married with 3 small children so "all the sex we want" roughly equals. . . well, let's not go there. If you're already married with children, then you already know this and if you're not--well, I really don't want to be responsible for causing anyone's depression.
So if you want all the gory details, continue reading, if not, you may want to scroll down a bit.
So the first thing they do is ask Chris if he needs to urinate- a good idea, the doc probably already showered this morning. Then the nurse instructed him to remove his shoes, pants and underwear--he was allowed to leave his socks on. And he's instructed to sit in the chair and place the drape over his lap.

The next part I'm not totally clear on because the nurse said I had to wait in the waiting room during the procedure. (I was very bummed.) But I'm assuming she took his temperature, blood pressure, etc. Then she came back to get me because apparently the doctor had authorized my presence during the procedure (I tried not to look too excited when I walked in). Chris was sitting in what is basically a dentist chair, reclined with his head on pillows and a very bright light illuminating well you know where. Doc looks up and says (a little too enthusiastically I thought) "Hi! You're just in time for the shaving!" I should note, that Chris looks a little uncomfortable at this stage--not in pain mind you, but a little unhappy that there is someone that close to his genitalia with a razor.

These are all the tools available for use during the procedure. He didn't use everything.
So the shaving complete, they lay a sterile drape with a large hole in it over the area then pull the twig and berries up through the hole. I guess they want it to be a tight fit because he had a little trouble working everything through. Next, he doused the entire area with iodine (this is to kill any surface bacteria--I learned that in Microbiology last semester) and let that sit for a bit. Apparently that stuff really soaks in because it's been a week and Chris' hoo-diddly is still a little yellow.
Now it's time to begin the procedure.
Oh--for those of you wondering how Mr. One-Eye responds to all this "attention". . . (I myself was wondering if he would stand up to see what was going on). . . nope--he actually looks as if he trying to relocate to somewhere . . . well . . . closer to Chris's spine let's say.
So the doc pulls out this thing that looks like an Epi-Pen except it has these two wires at the top that mold away from one another then come together at a point. He presses the button on the thing and they light up red hot. And he begins to "cut" but is actually burning and cauterizing as he goes.
OH MY GOSH! I forgot the anesthesia!! I mean, I forgot to write about that part--the doctor didn't forget it. So FIRST he tells Chris that this is the worst part of the whole thing and he grabs a handful of the skin on the bag of jewels and pinches it (it makes the pinch of the needle hurt less) and injects lidocaine into the whole thing. After a minute he slaps it a few time to ensure that Chris can't feel anything and THEN starts cutting.
So he opens a hole about 1 1/2 cm long and starts feeling around to locate the vas deferens (this is the tube that delivers all the little swimmers into the seminal fluid.
I could be waaay more technical here and really show off my Anatomy and Physiology knowledge thus proving that the $1000 we spent on those 2 classes was well worth it, but I don't want to appear cocky. . . (no pun intended)
All right--so he locates the tube and proceeds to stick the needle of lidocaine directly into it and add a little more medicine. So the tube looks a lot like a spaghetti noodle, but is covered in a sheath of connective tissue which has to be cut a way to expose it so Doc sets to work on that. Once the tube is exposed, he uses this thing that looks like scissors to put 2 tiny clamps on the tube about an inch apart. Once those are clamped, he takes scissors and simply snips the middle section away, then pushes the cut and clamped ends back into the little hole.
Now at this point, I am SERIOUSLY questioning why we are paying all this money to have the doctor do this--I have yet to see anything I couldn't have done on my own. (I'm SURE I could have obtained all the things I needed via the internet)
He tells Chris we are halfway there, then begins the same thing on the other side. Everything continues in exactly the same manner until he gets to the point where he has clamped the tube in the two places. At this point Doc looks up at me, winks,
and hands me the scissors! I'm thinking this is absolutely the best day of my entire life. I look at Chris who is laying there with his arms thrown over his head and I think, "I'll just be really quiet about it--he'll never have to know." So I snipped the tube section out after which the Doc says, "I'm no longer responsible if this isn't successful." Funny. Very funny.
Then the stitching up. 2 stitches to close followed by a layer of liquid skin which he then dries with a hair dryer. Highly technical stuff I tell you. (It was a Conair 110 for any interested parties--you can see it in the picture of Chris in the chair)
Then it's all done and they sit Chris up and ask him how he feels. He says he's a little queasy and sweaty. That's an understatement--the sweat is pouring off the guy--he looks like he's just run a marathon. Doc says, "Your color is a little off--just sit tight for a minute. Does he look pale to you?" he asks me. Pale? Again--understatement of the year--Chris is (no lie) a putrid shade of avocado green. So they bring him some Coke and a few crackers, take his blood pressure, then decide to lay him back down for a bit. Now I should mention that at this point we discover that Chris took a pain pill before we left the house-as instructed- but failed to eat anything with said narcotic. Hmmm hydrocodone on an empty stomach--I'd feel a little queasy too. So after he drank some Coke he felt better and off we went with our instructions and our little sample cup.

So Chris is supposed to keep ice on the area for 24 hours (which he did) wear tight underwear for a week (which he did) and chill out for the weekend (which he didn't do) he did all the laundry stubborn ass that he is. He was cleared to resume sexual activity in 3 to 4 days. I'll have to call his mistress to see if that happened. As for side effects of the procedure--he said that the feeling was the same as the nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach that follows being kicked in the nuts. That feeling lasted about 6 days but in no way affected his daily activities. Now, not having nuts myself, I can only assume that it feels similar to during pregnancy, when the baby opts to punch or kick you in the cervix. Having had this happen repeatedly over the duration of 3 pregnancies as well as pulling my groin muscle during 2 of my pregnancies and having Emma set up permanent camp on my sciatic nerve for 4 of the 9 months of her gestational period, not to mention the fact that breastfeeding for a total of 34 months of my life has done things to my boobs that only cosmetic surgery can correct, AND the fact that my feet are now GI-NORMOUS. And don't even get me started on the stretch marks. So basically, there's not a whole lot of sympathy coming from me. That's why he has male friends.
Now for the truly funny part--they tell you to return to the lab in 6 weeks with your sample cup filled so they can check to make sure the procedure was successful. OK, no problem. But if you read the fine print--it says that it takes 18-20 "shots" to clear out the chambers. 18-20 in 6 weeks??!!? I say again: Married. 3 kids. 18-20 in 6 weeks is something like 3.3 times per week. Yeah right, I'm so sure THAT'S going to happen. We're going to have to pay the mistress overtime.
So all in all it went better than I thought--I really thought he would milk it a lot more than he did. Truth be told--I was proud of him, I thought he did quite well, although he is a little sad and misses his little swimmers terribly. . .

You can almost hear the sad Snoopy music playing as he walks about the house. . .